viernes, 12 de julio de 2019

blog 7

In this blog I don’t know what to write about, but   I chose write about a chemist and mathematician very important for the chemistry and the physical- chemistry, he is John Dalton, John Dalton was born the 6 of September in 1766, in the Eaglesfiled town, England, he had 5 brothers of which 3 died, surviving John and his brother Jonathan. During the childhood of Dalton he work in teaching children since the 12 years, and his 15 years with his brother, he help us in the carrying a school. After in 1793 he moved towards Manchester and he was appointed as teacher of math and natural philosophy in Harris Manchester College.

One of the most important contribution is about daltonism , in 1794 after arriving in Manchester he presented his first work (report) about postulates that deficiencies in color perception are due to vitreous anomalies , lamentably his theory was discredit. After his death deep studies was made about this theory and they named this anomaly as his name.  
Other important contributions was about the atomic theory where he concluded that each form of matter (solid, liquid or gas) is made up of small individual particles and each particle called it an atom closely related whit the theory of molecular weight.
With this contribution to science we can know in the actuality how atoms work and their characteristics and it is the basis for all chemistry.

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