viernes, 21 de junio de 2019

blog 5

In this photo show the murder of a scared man accused for belong Viet-cong and the murder; this occurred 1 of February in 1968 in the country of South Vietnam in actuality city Ho Chi Minh, the photo was taken by Eddie Adams and this moment was immortalized for him. The name of the victim was Nguyen Van Lem during the Vietnam War between North Vietnam and South Vietnam, North Vietnam supported for the U.S.A forces and the North Vietnam with the communist forces. And also the name of the murder was Nguyen Ngoc Loan chief of the national police, shot point blanc in the head whit a gun.  All began for Surprise attack by the forces North Vietnamese and the guerrilla the Viet-Cong, occurring initially in the presidential palace an later in the U.S Embassy.

In this photo it show us the cruelty and the raw reality of the wars, where the terror and the scary its present all time. We can see the moment before than takes a life and I hope this works for create a consciousness about this.

3 comentarios:

  1. It is a shocking photo. The photographer did a great job to be able to capture emotions and dare to take them.

  2. It is very impressive to see this photo.
